Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday Shenanigans

The day started out as any other day. . . the alarm rang. I turned it off. Decided not to go to the gym as I wasn't done with laundry and well. . . I used that as an excuse to return to bed. Sounded good to me.
Fast forward four or so hours later. Breakfast for the Googirls is winding down and I hear Hubby scolding them. I don't butt-in but ask Hubby later what the commotion was. Something about Fruit Loops and one Googirl not wanting to share the last (mini) box of cereal with the other, and attitude, and yada yada yada.

Later I get attitude from same Googirl and after a time out and a talking to, things are better.

Even better. . . Hubs takes the girls to gymnastics! I stay home to (you guessed it) do laundry! (Boo! but it's done!) I also took apart some boxes for the recycling. It was so hard to do. . . they were so pretty and looked as though they could be re-purposed. Here they are:
(Did I ever mention I could be a hoarder?) No? I'll tell you some other time; suffice it to say, I watch Hoarders (A&E) to put me in the purging mood. . . and I (sadly, but surely) unfolded those boxes.

Later, when the girls came home from gymnastics, after lunch, they held a "jewelry" sale. Here's what they sold:

 And here's what I got:
All for about fifty cents! Pretty good deal, if you ask me!

Entrepreneurial Googirls:

And that is this Saturday's shenanigans! Thanks for stopping by!
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Thursday, July 7, 2011


Driving down the Pali, this is what starts playing on the radio:

Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time


AND the GooGirls (in the back seat) are singing along!


Mommy Goo: How do you know the words to this song?
GooGirls in the back: We don't know but we like it!


So we GooGirls went to Pancakes & Waffles to meet the Aunties (Lisas only, as Theresa was on the Big Island). Didn't miss much, T. My opinion, any way.

After being in the wrong lane and going the long way to get there, we finally arrived at P & W. Quinn had the buttermilk short stack and Leela had the early bird special (which was a short stack with two eggs); I had the eggs florentine with a side of bacon. Not impressed with the eggs florentine or the hollaindaise but the bacon was crispy and the home fries were tasty! (The pancakes were yum, too. . . I sneaked a taste or two!) Aunty Lisa (Bright) had the roast pork loco moco on fried rice (yum!) and Aunty Lisa (Tsuruda) had our leftovers! My only gripe. . . paper plates and plastic utensils. Really?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What's this all about?

Many times, I am hesitant. . . other times, I jump in. I guess this would not be considered a "jump in" moment; it's rather a gentle nudge, and a "dare" I couldn't pass up. I've wanted to blog for a while but always wondered who would want to read about me, my girls, and our goings on. . . . I know I will have at least one reader (in Darren) so here we go! Curious about the GooGirls and their goings on? You've come to the right place! Thanks for stopping by!